warners bay woman smiling

Let's Get Wedding Ready with SmilesHQ!

August 27, 2023
Posted By: SmilesHQ
Bride choosing wedding dress | Wedding smile Warners Bay

Do you have an upcoming wedding to prepare for? Congratulations!

Many beautiful brides and grooms rely on SmilesHQ to have some tooth touch-ups in preparation for their big day.

How Your SmilesHQ Team Can Help

Whether you're looking to make some drastic changes to your smile or just some minor improvements, our dentists can help you feel super confident that your smile is camera-ready for your wedding day. 

Popular cosmetic dental treatments in Warners Bay include: 

  • Professional Whitening — Helps to eliminate stains and discolouration and brightens your smile.
  • Composite or Porcelain Veneers — Cover smile imperfections like chipping, stains, and tooth size or shape discrepancies.
  • Invisalign + Professional Whitening — Invisalign straightens crooked or misaligned teeth with the discretion of clear aligners instead of braces. At SmilesHQ, professional teeth whitening is complimentary when you straighten your teeth with Invisalign. 
  • Implant Tooth Replacement — If missing teeth are impacting your smile, our dentists can restore one or multiple missing teeth with dental implants. You'll enjoy restored chewing function and the rejuvenated aesthetics of your new smile. 
  • Full Mouth Rehabilitation — If you have multiple tooth concerns, such as missing, decayed, discoloured, broken, crooked, or fractured teeth, a full mouth rehabilitation plan can help you achieve better chewing function and aesthetics, typically by combining multiple cosmetic dental treatments. 

A Wedding-Day Case Study

Let's look at a case study of this beautiful bride-to-be. She didn't like the size of her number two teeth, the chipping of her front teeth and the overall colour of her teeth. We identified the issues and planned out solutions for her to achieve her camera-ready smile. She was able to enjoy her best smile for her wedding!

We invite your call to SmilesHQ if you'd like to learn about the possibilities for your smile before your big event. Remember, it's important to give us plenty of time to design and create your dream smile. So booking well ahead of your event will ensure that you achieve your smile goals. 

smile before cosmetic dentistry




smile before cosmetic dentistry woman's smile before cosmetic dentistry close up of smile before cosmetic dentistry


smile after cosmetic dentistry close up of patient's smile after cosmetic dentistry smile after cosmetic dentistry

The bride was so happy she booked her new husband in too!! Give us a call today to schedule your appointment!