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Additional info:


  • Convenient street parking can be found on Howard Street, or
  • Use the underground carpark, entrance also on Howard Street, follow the signs for Aldi carpark. Please note this carpark has 2 hour free parking. A small fee will incur after this time.
  • Lift access from the carpark brings you to the back of our premises, turn right and follow our signs to our Howard Street entrance. 


  • We are completely accessible for wheelchairs, pram, walkers etc. We have a large ramp in our reception and spacious rooms that can accommodate everyone.
Practice Information: SmilesHQ in Warners Bay

SmilesHQ is a full-service dental surgery in Warners Bay, NSW. We are conveniently located near Aldi Warners Bay, and we have plenty of parking for your convenience and our entrance is located off of Howard Street. We are pleased to service people from establishments along The Esplanade, as well as students and employees from Warners Bay schools and businesses. We also accept patients from further afar, so please let us know if you'd like an appointment so we can book ample time to assist you.

We accept all new patients. We are completely accessible, able to accommodate people of all abilities with ability aids, ramp access and large spacious rooms. Our clinicians are experienced with all ages, neuro-diverse and special needs peoples. We want to be your family's trusted dental home for life!

We Make Dental Visits Easy and Comfortable 

SmilesHQ strives to provide attentive, personalised care to our patients. Whether you're a little kid or a big kid, we want your visit to our dental clinic to be as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. That's why we offer the latest technologies and comforts, like nitrous oxide sedation, noise-cancelling headphones, digital records and impressions and laser dentistry. Plus, our treatment rooms are equipped with modern, adjustable dental chairs and TVs so you can watch a show or movie while we care for your smile. 

Affordable Dentistry for Your Family

We are pleased to accept all major health funds and insurance and assist those who need guidance with their coverage. We also make time in our schedule for emergency dentistry, so please don't hesitate to call if you need urgent dental care. We are open Monday through Friday.

Ready to Contact Our Warners Bay Dentists?

Need to book a routine exam or have a dental emergency? We invite you to contact our Warners Bay dental surgery today. We can book your appointment, offer help with directions or answer any other questions you may have. We are proud to serve families in Warners Bay and the surrounding areas, including Charlestown, Newcastle, Teralba, Mount Hutton, Eleebana, and more.

Dr Nathalia speaks English and Portuguese, so we are pleased to welcome speakers of both languages to our dental practice. 

We look forward to seeing you at SmilesHQ!

Take a virtual look at our office and what we have to offer.