
How long does a dental bridge last?

A dental bridge in Warners Bay is a popular tooth replacement option because the bridge teeth are fixed to healthy natural teeth for stability. A dental bridge typically lasts for up to a decade or longer. 

Your dental bridge is a customised prosthetic—colour and fit—made of one or two replacement teeth situated between tooth crowns. When your dentist caps the tooth on either side of your smile gap, the replacement teeth will complete your smile.

About Dental Bridge Longevity

You can take steps to promote longevity and enjoy your bridge for years to come.

  • Brush and floss your teeth regularly.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental checks and teeth cleans.
  • Use a floss threader to keep debris from accumulating under your bridge.
  • Talk to us if you suspect nighttime teeth grinding (bruxism).
  • Wear the proper face mask and mouthguard if you play sports.
  • Report oral health changes to your Warners Bay dentist, including gum irritation.

Are You Considering a Dental Bridge in Warners Bay?

We offer a variety of tooth replacement options, including the dental bridge. To learn more or to book a consultation with the dentist, we welcome your call.